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How LC Fitness Management Turned Around a 2000-Member Amenities Facility

In 2022, LC Fitness Management was brought on to manage the amenities and programs of a building with 2,000 members. The initial goal was simple: to address the financial losses the building had been experiencing while maintaining the quality of programs already in place, engage members and have a positive community. Through our data-driven approach and systemized management strategies, we not only met that goal but exceeded expectations.

Our team successfully maintained the existing fitness programs while introducing new initiatives to reduce losses. By expanding program offerings, launching new sports clubs, and adding paid services like personal training, we made significant progress. Foot traffic increased, with class and personal training attendance returning to pre-COVID levels and achieving an average class attendance rate of over 60%.

We also closely monitored locker rentals, towel services and financials to identify areas for increased efficiency.

Here’s how the numbers tell the story of progress:

  • 2022-2023: Before our involvement, the facility ended the year with a loss of $236,000.

  • 2023-2024: LC Fitness Management officially took over all aspects in May 2023. By the end of the fiscal year, the loss had decreased to $140,000.

  • 2024-2025: Year-to-date, we are on track to further improve the bottom line by another $40,000, which will hit the target operating budget as set by the client.

By leveraging our expertise in fitness management and developing a tailored solution for the facility, we’ve shown how the right strategies can transform financial losses into opportunities for growth. Community and culture are our primary objectives, with financial sustainability closely integrated into our approach.

If you're looking to improve the performance and profitability of your amenities, let's connect and explore how LC Fitness Management can help.

Data within commercial amenities
Data driven approach within commercial amenities


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